State Library of New South Wales


State Library of New South Wales


A world-leading library and centre of digital excellence, the State Library of NSW informs, educates, inspires and surprises online, onsite and on tour. The Library’s rich heritage collections, contemporary print and digital materials, partnership with the public library network and vibrant collaborations enable Australians to interrogate our past and imagine our future.


The State Library of New South Wale's collection documents life in NSW through additions of original and published material. Publishers contribute through the legal deposit provisions of the NSW Copyright Act 1879, and as required by the Premier’s Memorandum 00-15: Access to published information: laws, policy and guidelines for NSW Government publications. Significant pictorial, map and manuscript collections are acquired through donation, bequest and purchase. The Library accepts donations of published and original materials for the Mitchell Library to strengthen the Library’s historical and research collections.

Talking Fish Collection: One hundred and thirty interviews recorded between 2009 and 2010 by people including recreational and commercial fishers, Indigenous people and scientists, document contemporary issues around fishing in the Murray–Darling Basin to ensure that local historical and cultural knowledge will be available to support the management of fish species. Deposited by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. ML OH 647/1-130

Item Relations

Item: Anabranch: Images from interview with William Riley
Item: Anabranch: Oral History of William Riley
Has Provenance Information This Item
Item: Ovens: Images from interview with Lyall Hogg and Ollie Evans
References The Subject This Item

Position: 44 (170 views)