Upper Condamine: Oral History of Brian Kuhn


Upper Condamine: Oral History of Brian Kuhn


Brian Kuhn has been working as a farmer since he was seventeen years old. He lives on a property that borders Kings Creek, a major tributary of the Condamine River, between Clifton and Nobby. Brian is a fisherman, fish stocking club member, and Fishcare volunteer. More recently Brian has been involved in river restoration projects. He reflects on the river’s significance to his life, growing up.

Brian talks about: the state of the Condamine River over the last twenty years, and the lack of rain; translocating Murray Cod from drying water holes; restocking fish species Golden Perch, Murray Cod, Silver Perch, since 1990s; fishing methods; role of Condamine Alliance negotiating revegetation with private landholders; movement of European Carp through the system, and involvement in Carp Busters; differences in the taste of fish and methods of food preparation; removal of trees in streams by Condamine River Trust, 1960s; changes in water flow and impact on river banks; recent re-snagging; underground water and irrigation bores; platypus sightings.


Heather Goodall
Jodi Frawley
Hamish Sewell


University of Technology, Sydney


Murray-Darling Basin Authority
NSW Department of Primary Industries - NSW Fisheries


Copyright University of Technology, Sydney



Access Rights

Open access



Hamish Sewell


Brian Kuhn


Kings Creek, QLD



Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Upper Condamine River
This Item Was Created By Item: Prof. Heather Goodall
Item: Dr Jodi Frawley
This Item Has Provenance Information Item: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive (ATSIDA)
Item: State Library of New South Wales
This Item References The Subject Item: Murray Cod
Item: Freshwater Catfish
Item: Upper Condamine: Images from interview with Brian Kuhn
Is Related To This Item

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