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  • Tags: Fish stocking

Salt marsh near Moruya, NSW (CC-BY-ND) by Dan Woodrow, on Flickr at
The interviewee retired to the far south coast in 2003. He recalls visiting the area in the 1960s during school holidays with his brother, learning to surf together. He enjoys the beach, running on the beach, surfing, the hinterland, and community.…

Position: 223 (69 views)

The twelfth of a twelve part interview with Noal Kuhl.

Noal discusses efforts to improve the riparian zone and the first resnagging project in Queensland. He talks about the electric fishing technique used in surveys, restocking fingerlings at…

Position: 117 (113 views)

The tenth and eleventh parts of a twelve part interview with Noal Kuhl.

Noal introduces his favourite spot and talks about fish migration; fish travelling; land subdivisions; and Bowenville Reserves history as a public site for livestock watering…

Position: 209 (75 views)

The eighth and ninth parts of a twelve part interview with Noal Kuhl.

Noal discusses the history of Jondaryan Station and the creek surrounds, and covers subdivisions; grazing; floods; and land clearance. His talks about his extensive research…

Position: 173 (88 views)

The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh parts of a twelve part interview with Noal Kuhl.

Noal discusses the section of Oakey Creek (above where it meets Westbrook Creek) known as the Treeline. He explains how the Oakey Freshwater Fish Stocking…

Position: 172 (89 views)

Feli McHughes in Brewarrina (NSW), 11 December 2010.
Feli McHughes is a Ngemba man from the Upper Darling region of Brewarrina. His passion about the Brewarrina Ngemba Billabong and the wider river system has seen him involved in a number of projects with numerous organisations. His visions for the…

Position: 13 (322 views)

Keith Coleman and Max Jeffrey, Brewarrina (NSW), 1 December 2010.
An interview in two parts with Keith Coleman and Max Jeffrey.

Keith grew up in Brewarrina and learned to fish with his father. He learned to swim in the river, and remembers how clear the water was - clear enough that people could go spearfishing.…

Position: 93 (126 views)

An interview with Darren Rosso in three parts.

Darren has worked in the Murrumbidgee Corridor since 1988.He talks about the Murrumbidgee Rivers historical fame as a Trout Cod fishery and discusses the practice of restocking fish. He describes the…

Position: 95 (124 views)

An interview in four parts with Bryan Pratt.

Brian came to the Murrumbidgee in 1965. He talks about seasonal variations in the prevalence of fish, and their breeding and migration habits. He remarks on regional variations within species and…

Position: 113 (114 views)

Cousins, Ron Heinemann and Ron Gardiner, talk separately about their memories of growing up on the Paroo River. Both men owned properties along the river and were fishers. Ron Heinemann was an especially keen fisher and has an intimate knowledge of…

Position: 105 (117 views)