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  • Tags: Murrumbidgee

An interview with Darren Rosso in three parts.

Darren has worked in the Murrumbidgee Corridor since 1988.He talks about the Murrumbidgee Rivers historical fame as a Trout Cod fishery and discusses the practice of restocking fish. He describes the…

Position: 94 (124 views)

An interview in four parts with Bryan Pratt.

Brian came to the Murrumbidgee in 1965. He talks about seasonal variations in the prevalence of fish, and their breeding and migration habits. He remarks on regional variations within species and…

Position: 115 (113 views)

An interview in five parts with Gay and Dick Lawler.

Gay and Dick talk about the arrival of Carp and St John's Wort following a big flood in 1991. They stopped fishing soon afterward. They discuss their efforts to reintroduce native plants, and…

Position: 51 (156 views)

No speech was recorded during this interview. The recording is a sample of ambient noise (mainly birdsong) in Michelago (NSW).

Position: 168 (90 views)

An interview in five parts with Adrian Brown.

Adrian talks about growing up along the River (around Queanbeyan River, Jumping Creek, and Wanna Wanna Creek) and the way that he and his brother learnt the land by walking it and fishing the river…

Position: 25 (224 views)

The data from this study region includes 5 oral histories (audio as mp3s, and transcripts) and a georeferenced hand-drawn map of the area.

The Upper Murrumbidgee meanders through the Snowy Mountains in south‐eastern New South Wales, snaking its…

Position: 74 (133 views)