Silver Perch


Silver Perch

Alternative Title

Bidyan Grunter
Bidyan Perch
Black Bream
Murray Bream
Murray Perch
Silver Bream
Sooty Grunter


Image attribution: Climate Change Adaptation Research Program (CCARP) Database of Watering Requirements - Images, via Atlas of Living Australia. This work is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Australia license (CC BY-NC) see details...

Species Common Name

Silver Perch

Species Scientific Name

Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell, 1838)

Item Relations

This Item Is Related To Item: Sea Mullet
Item: Upper Condamine: Oral History of Ray and Olive Shooter
Item: Upper Condamine: Oral History of Geoffrey Reilly
References The Subject This Item

Position: 117 (66 views)