Upper Darling: Oral History of Mick and Barb Davis


Upper Darling: Oral History of Mick and Barb Davis


An interview in three parts with Mick and Barb Davis.

Mick explains his family history and the history of their property 'Myandetta". He talks about the history of fishing in the area; professional anglers and netters; and changing attitudes towards fishing (catch and release). He learned to fish with nets and lines with his grandfathers. He discusses the arrival of European carp in 1973, noting that they travel in floodwater. He talks about bait, what it takes to catch Bony Beam, and set lines.

Barb talks about yabbying, and says that she likes fishing but loves the river.

Mick and Barb approve of restocking efforts by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), but share their concerns about the reduced responsiveness of fishing inspectors. They observe that there are more visitors and anglers about the river and note that illegal fishing is still practiced. They discuss man made weirs and natural weirs; river management; water allocations; water licenses; grazing along the river: erosion; and efforts to re-establish vegetation along the river.

Mention of NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Catchment Management Authority (CMA)
Penny Wong

Mention of Lake Cargellico (NSW), Burrendong Dam (NSW), Darling River Weir 19A (30°13'55.0"S 145°41'49.0"E; MDBA Site ID 425037; "19-mile weir")

Mention of water lizards, wombats, shrimp.
Landholder - copy Barb. Wife of Mick Davis. Property owners - sheep, and some limited agriculture - now doing farmstay - mostly for fishing groups.


Heather Goodall
Jodi Frawley


University of Technology, Sydney


Murray-Darling Basin Authority
NSW Department of Primary Industries - NSW Fisheries


Copyright University of Technology, Sydney



Access Rights

Open access



Jodi Frawley


Mick Davis
Barb Davis


Bourke, New South Wales, Australia


Part 1 00:20:09
Part 2 00:20:22
Part 3 00:07:56

Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Darling River - Bourke to Brewarrina
This Item Was Created By Item: Prof. Heather Goodall
Item: Dr Jodi Frawley
This Item Has Provenance Information Item: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive (ATSIDA)
Item: State Library of New South Wales
This Item References The Subject Item: Black Bream
Item: Silver Perch
Item: Water allocations
References The Subject This Item

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