Culgoa - Balonne: Oral History of Ned and Lynette Underwood


Culgoa - Balonne: Oral History of Ned and Lynette Underwood


An interview in two parts with Ned and Lynette Underwood.

Born in 1932, Ned grew up as a child on the property Warroo, a sheep and cattle station on the banks of the Balonne, owned by his grandfather since 1890.

In the interview, Ned describes how the river was a significant part of his life growing up - like a playground, swimming and fishing. He recalls what the river was like prior to the E.J. Beardmore Dam being built downstream and how it increased the river level along much of their property; the turbidity of the river; and the history of the station as a site of importance for the Aboriginal peoples of the region - recalling stories of tribal warfare, and several locations with remains of shell middens.

Ned has kept records of flood locations and heights, which have been helpful in predicting how flood waters might affect the local area. He also discusses 'gilgais' - an Aboriginal word for small water hole or lake, thought to be formed in vertisols.

Mention of Warroo Station as a sacred Aboriginal site.


Heather Goodall
Jodi Frawley
Hamish Sewell


University of Technology, Sydney


Murray-Darling Basin Authority
NSW Department of Primary Industries - NSW Fisheries


Copyright University of Technology, Sydney



Access Rights

Open access



Ned and Lynette Underwood reside on a cattle and sheep station in Warroo. The Warroo Station, where Ned grew up, has been in his family for three generations since 1890 when his grandfather purchased the property.

In this interview Ned describes how the river was a huge part of his life growing up. He remembers learning to swim there, visiting there after mustering with his brother, Dick, and fishing - he says it was like a playground.

Ned also delves into the history of the station mentioning a shepherd who previously resided at the property whose personal diaries are being held by the University of New England that describes the local Indigenous tribes at war with one another, and the relationship between the Indigenous peoples and the farmers.


Hamish Sewell


Ned Underwood
Lynette Underwood


Warroo Station, QLD


Part 1 00:17:46
Part 2 00:47:34

Position: 22 (244 views)