Upper Condamine: Images from interview with Ray and Olive Shooter


Upper Condamine: Images from interview with Ray and Olive Shooter


Images of Ray and Olive Shooter and the Darymple Creek area. Ray Shooter has lived next to Dalrymple Creek, a tributary of the Condamine, for almost 80 years.


Heather Goodall
Jodi Frawley
Hamish Sewell


University of Technology, Sydney


Murray-Darling Basin Authority
NSW Department of Primary Industries - NSW Fisheries


Copyright University of Technology, Sydney



Access Rights

Open access. Conditional use. Images with rights holder Ray and Olive Shooter may only be reproduced or re-used with permission from Ray and Olive Shooter. Please contact State Library of NSW regarding collection ML OH 647/1-130.


Item Relations

This Item Is Related To Item: Upper Condamine: Oral History of Ray and Olive Shooter
This Item Is Part Of Item: Upper Condamine River
This Item Was Created By Item: Prof. Heather Goodall
Item: Dr Jodi Frawley
This Item Has Provenance Information Item: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive (ATSIDA)
Item: State Library of New South Wales

Position: 202 (47 views)