Anabranch: Oral History of Jenny Whyman


Anabranch: Oral History of Jenny Whyman


An interview in three parts with Jenny Whyman, a Paakintji woman and representative on the Northern Basins Aboriginal
Nations Committee (NBAN).

Born in 1956, Jenny talks about families and growing up on the river at a camp on the Darling at Menindee; living, working and playing together. She discusses the drought years from 1985 and the blue-green algae bloom that ran from Mungindi to Menindee. Jenny also speaks about what cultural flows are, and how they are important as they are the inherent water entitlements of Indigenous Nations.

Mention of perch as a significant part of diet however species is undefined; Witchetty grubs, turtles, eagles, porcupine, kangaroo.


Heather Goodall
Jodi Frawley


University of Technology, Sydney


Murray-Darling Basin Authority
NSW Department of Primary Industries - NSW Fisheries


Copyright University of Technology, Sydney



Access Rights

Restricted access.

Electronic records have been made private as per the request of Jenny Whyman. As part of our data access requirements, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Data Archive (located at the University of Technology, Sydney) requires an applicant to sign an undertaking before access to material can be approved. These undertakings may include a request for information about the intended use of the data. The depositor and/or family may be informed of the application.

Preliminary applications may be made to:




An archival version of the Talking Fish Collection is managed by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive (ATSIDA).


Mediated access. Interviewee's consent condition: Future researchers must contact Jenny Whyman for permission to access.


Jodi Frawley


Jenny Whyman


Mildura, Victoria


Part 1 00:20:28
Part 2 00:18:46
Part 3 00:14:33

Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Lower Darling and the Great Anabranch
This Item References Item: Paakintji
This Item Was Created By Item: Prof. Heather Goodall
Item: Dr Jodi Frawley
This Item Has Provenance Information Item: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Data Archive (ATSIDA)
Item: State Library of New South Wales
This Item References The Subject Item: Freshwater Catfish
Item: Golden Perch
Item: Water allocations
References The Subject This Item

Position: 96 (123 views)