Murray: Oral History of J.O. Langtry - Afterthoughts


Murray: Oral History of J.O. Langtry - Afterthoughts


A document written by J.O. Langtry a few months after his oral history interview for the Talking Fish research project.

He reflects on the balance between maintaining healthy river flows and the needs of irrigators, in the context of sustainably feeding a growing population.

He believes the key to balance and sustainability lies beneath the surface, through rehydrating landscapes and recharging aquifiers. JOL discusses how this might be achieved based on the strengths and weaknesses of the Murray and Darling River systems.


J.O. Langtry


University of Technology, Sydney


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Rights Holder

J.O. Langtry



Item Relations

This Item Is Related To Item: Murray: Oral History of J.O. Langtry
Item: Murray: Images from interview with J.O. Langtry
This Item Has Provenance Information Item: State Library of New South Wales

Position: 185 (84 views)