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  • Tags: Culgoa-Balonne

The data from this study region includes 11 oral histories (audio as mp3s, and transcripts) and 4 image galleries, as well as a georeferenced hand-drawn map of the area.

Geographically the Balonne is an extension of the Condamine River and starts…

Position: 38 (181 views)

Rory Treweeke, Angledool Station (NSW), 10 October 2010.
Rory Treweeke is the owner of the Angledool Station in far northern New South Wales near Lightning Ridge. Rory has been in Angledool since 1969 and has seen a lot of changes in and around the Narran River. These changes include the installation of…

Position: 31 (189 views)

Robert Lacey, St George (QLD), 8 October 2010.
An interview in two parts with Robert Lacey.

Robert Lacey is an Indigenous man who has resided in the St George area in southern Queensland most his life. His people are the traditional owners of the land: his mother is a Mandandanji woman, while…

Position: 40 (176 views)

An interview with Peter and Margaret (Pop) Petersen.

Peter and Margaret (Pop) Petersen were the former managers of Brenda Station in Goodooga. On the Culgoa River, it spans both New South Wales and Queensland. Previously owned by the Church of…

Position: 54 (149 views)

An interview with Pat Stephens, a local butcher.

Born in 1933, Pat talks about fishing in the Dirranbandi area and the changes he has noticed over the last 60 years. Having fished since he was a boy, the biggest changes have been a reduction in…

Position: 148 (95 views)

An interview with Pat Cross.

Pat Cross and her husband, George, are the owners of the Mehi Station, a 16,000 acre property previously owned by George Hatfield. They have lived on the station since 1952 and in the interview Pat revisits her…

Position: 154 (93 views)

Portrait of Ned Underwood, Warroo Station (QLD), 9 October 2010.
An interview in two parts with Ned and Lynette Underwood.

Born in 1932, Ned grew up as a child on the property Warroo, a sheep and cattle station on the banks of the Balonne, owned by his grandfather since 1890.

In the interview, Ned describes…

Position: 22 (238 views)

Portrait of Michael Anderson, Hebel (QLD), 13 October 2010.
Station-owner and Ualarai man Michael Anderson provides a rich and in-depth interview on his personal experience with the Murray-Darling Basin from his current base by the Bokhara River. As an executive member of the Northern Basins Aboriginal…

Position: 50 (157 views)

An interview with three local fisherman Keith Codrington, George Thomas, and Robert Worboys.

With over 50 years experience fishing in the region, Keith, George and Robert share their knowledge of the Culgoa-Balonne region. They discuss floods,…

Position: 72 (134 views)

An informal interview with Henry and Joan Cross. No audio was recorded.

Henry and Joan Cross live at Goonaroo Station, an 11,000 acre sheep and cattle property. The property is located north of Hebel on the New South Wales and Queensland borders…

Position: 97 (119 views)