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  • Tags: Aboriginal scarred tree

Riparian area, Upper Darling region, [n.d]
Images were sourced by the Talking Fish project team from Phillip Sullivan and some were taken on the day of his oral history interview.

Position: 110 (107 views)

An interview in eight parts.

Daryl Sloan has been a resident of the Shepparton area for 35 years since his teenage years. He has worked in the social welfare industry for around 15 years and his work sees him regularly visiting the Goulburn River…

Position: 52 (142 views)

Riparian vegetation, Condamine River, 2010
Photos taken on day of oral history recording of Brian Kuhn by the Talking Fish project team.

The images depict denuding that has occurred and revegetation efforts in the Condamine River Catchment, riparian zones, and River Red Gums.

Position: 154 (88 views)

Rory Treweeke, Angledool Station (NSW), 10 October 2010.
Rory Treweeke is the owner of the Angledool Station in far northern New South Wales near Lightning Ridge. Rory has been in Angledool since 1969 and has seen a lot of changes in and around the Narran River. These changes include the installation of…

Position: 30 (186 views)