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  • Tags: Plants--Identification

An interview with Rolf Weber, a senior biodiversity officer with Fisheries and Wildlife, who came to Shepparton Victoria in 1981.

Rolf talks about: wetland vegetation; role of plants in providing protection for fish and their eggs; Myriophyllum…

Position: 139 (101 views)

An interview in two parts. Audio only.

David Chalmers is associated with the Goulburn River Men's Group Inc. and is interviewed on the site of a Kangaroo farm. Throughout the interview, David identifies the native plants and vegetation present and…

Position: 27 (197 views)

An interview in two parts with Gordon Warner.

Gordon has spent most of his life in the Eulo district, and thirty years on a cattle property at Wandilla on the eastern side of the Paroo River. The district is sheep and cattle country; the Paroo…

Position: 87 (127 views)

Cousins, Ron Heinemann and Ron Gardiner, talk separately about their memories of growing up on the Paroo River. Both men owned properties along the river and were fishers. Ron Heinemann was an especially keen fisher and has an intimate knowledge of…

Position: 105 (117 views)

(L to R) Kevin Eastburn and Hamish Sewell, oral history interview, 2010
An interview with Kevin Eastburn.

Kevin grew up in western New South Wales, and has lived in Eulo since 1972. He is one of several beekeepers, or commercial apiarists, in the area. Kevin reflects extensively on the broader flora and fauna in the…

Position: 43 (171 views)

Dennis Lean, oral history interview, 2010
An interview in five parts with Dennis Lean.

Born in 1943, Dennis Lean is a third generation shop owner in Yarrawonga. His grandfather came to the area in 1917 and opened a barber shop. The shop was predominantly for hairdressing, but Dennis's…

Position: 125 (110 views)

Gil Stoneham, oral history interview, 2010
An interview in three parts with the Gil and Gladys Stoneham, Peter Teakle, John Aston, and Clarence John; professional fishers of the Murray River in the Renmark area. Gil is also a cut flower grower.

The group talk about: a wall structure built…

Position: 163 (92 views)

(L to R) Howard Hendrick, Talking Fish project team member, 2010
An interview in three parts with Howard Hendrick.

Born in Renmark in 1923, Howard lives on the banks of the Murray River at Pyap, near Loxton. He grew up in an underprivileged First World War settlement in Renmark, spending school holidays helping…

Position: 53 (152 views)

(L to R) Jodi Frawley interviewing Todd Goodman, fish breeding tanks in background, 2010
An interview with Todd Goodman.

Todd, a landholder in the Murray Bridge area, breeds a variety of flatheaded gudgeon fish species in tanks in his garage, including the endangered Purple Spotted gudgeon. Todd’s broodstock facility includes…

Position: 201 (79 views)

An interview in five parts with Terry Sim and John Yelland. Both men were born in 1952 and lifelong friends, recreational fisherman, and landholders in Milang. They discuss in great detail history reaching back to the 19th century. Terry started the…

Position: 59 (146 views)