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  • Tags: Irrigation

An interview in three parts with Lyall Hogg and Ollie Evans.

Lyall grew up in Merbien, and learnt to fish with his father. His uncle was a professional fisherman who built boats and sent his catch from Bourke to Sydney. He talks about irrigation;…

Position: 205 (78 views)

Hamish Sewell and Geoffrey Reilly (left to right), Condamine (QLD), 27 September 2010
An interview with Geoffrey Reilly.

Geoffrey Riley is the owner of the property 'Lennie Brae' that has been in his family for generations. Geoffrey speaks of the changes as a result of the weirs, flood irrigation, and fish ways. He talks about a…

Position: 58 (147 views)

Rory Treweeke, Angledool Station (NSW), 10 October 2010.
Rory Treweeke is the owner of the Angledool Station in far northern New South Wales near Lightning Ridge. Rory has been in Angledool since 1969 and has seen a lot of changes in and around the Narran River. These changes include the installation of…

Position: 30 (195 views)

Perry sandhills NSW by Helen Harrington, on Flickr at <br />
An interview in four parts with Carmel Chapman, who works at the Wentworth Information Centre.

Born in 1941, Carmel talks about her life growing up in Merbein, near Mildura, on the Victorian side of the Murray River. She recalls fishing with…

Position: 94 (125 views)