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  • Tags: Fishes--Migration

Portrait of Bill Lever, Wentworth (NSW), 8 November 2010.
An interview in four parts with Bill Lever.

Bill, a professional fisher since 1953, resides in the small town of Wentworth in northern Victoria. Born in 1926, his life experiences of the neighbouring areas of the Murray, Darling and the Great…

Position: 60 (146 views)

Portrait of Michael Anderson, Hebel (QLD), 13 October 2010.
Station-owner and Ualarai man Michael Anderson provides a rich and in-depth interview on his personal experience with the Murray-Darling Basin from his current base by the Bokhara River. As an executive member of the Northern Basins Aboriginal…

Position: 50 (159 views)

Ray and Olive Shooter, Talgai (QLD), 27 September 2010.
An interview with Olive and Ray Shooter.

The Shooters speak of their experience living next to Dalrymple Creek, a tributary of the Condamine. Ray talks about the changes he has observed in the creek over almost 80 years, its transformation, and…

Position: 130 (106 views)

An interview in three parts with Dean Tugwell and Sally Grundy.

Dean, born 1929, is from Victor Harbour, and lived through the 1956 flood. Married since 1960, Dean and Sally live at Mundoo Island near the mouth of the Murray River. Dean recalls…

Position: 51 (156 views)

Portrait of Eric (John) Aston, 2010
An interview in seven parts with Eric ‘John’ Aston.

Born in 1942, John held a commercial licence between 1956 and 1997. He discusses his family history in commercial fishing since 1918, three generations. His grandfather was also a boat maker.…

Position: 145 (99 views)

Dennis Lean, oral history interview, 2010
An interview in five parts with Dennis Lean.

Born in 1943, Dennis Lean is a third generation shop owner in Yarrawonga. His grandfather came to the area in 1917 and opened a barber shop. The shop was predominantly for hairdressing, but Dennis's…

Position: 125 (110 views)

Portrait of Robert Horne, Gunnedah (NSW), 9 September 2010.
An interview in four parts.

Robert Horne is an Indigenous man who was born in Boggabri; a small country town through which the Namoi River runs, located in north-western New South Wales.

The interview takes place in Robert's Gunnedah office…

Position: 102 (119 views)

Lorna McNiven pictured near the riverbank of the Paroo, Eulo (QLD), 17 October 2010.
Lorna McNiven is an Indigenous woman who was born in Eulo in south-western Queensland. Her family, known as river people, are the Budjari and Murrawarri peoples. Lorna discusses her life along the Paroo River and the great source of life, leisure and…

Position: 19 (289 views)

An interview in four parts with Bryan Pratt.

Brian came to the Murrumbidgee in 1965. He talks about seasonal variations in the prevalence of fish, and their breeding and migration habits. He remarks on regional variations within species and…

Position: 112 (114 views)

An interview in three parts with Geoff Brennan.

Geoff was a construction contractor but has been working with water management for twenty years. He talks about his understanding of the cross over from recreational fishing to management of water,…

Position: 143 (100 views)