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- Tags: Droughts
Anabranch: Images from interview with William Riley
Position: 170 (90 views)
Anabranch: Oral History of Bill Lever
Bill, a professional fisher since 1953, resides in the small town of Wentworth in northern Victoria. Born in 1926, his life experiences of the neighbouring areas of the Murray, Darling and the Great…
Tags: Anabranch, Billabongs, Cotton, Crustaceans, Dams--Australia, Droughts, Fishes--Identification, Fishes--Migration, Fishing industry, Fishing nets, Fishing regulations, Floods, Introduced species, Professional fisher, Water quality, Weirs
Position: 58 (147 views)
Anabranch: Oral History of Carmel Chapman
Born in 1941, Carmel talks about her life growing up in Merbein, near Mildura, on the Victorian side of the Murray River. She recalls fishing with…
Tags: Anabranch, Droughts, Floods, Irrigation, Tourism, Water quality, Weirs
Position: 94 (125 views)
Anabranch: Oral History of Jenny Whyman
Nations Committee (NBAN).
Born in 1956, Jenny talks about families and growing up on the river at a camp on the Darling at…
Tags: Aboriginal history, Anabranch, Connection to country, Cotton, Crustaceans, Cultural flows, Droughts, Fishes--Identification, Indigenous foods, Indigenous peoples, Land custodianship, Native animals, Paakantyi / Paakantji / Barkindji people, Traditional ecological knowledge, Water allocations, Weirs
Position: 96 (123 views)
Anabranch: Oral History of Rodney Stone
Born in 1955 at Mildura, Rodney grew up on the Darling. He has witnessed the changes in the native fish population, particularly relating to the arrival of the…
Tags: Anabranch, Billabongs, Birds--Identification, Blackwater, Crustaceans, Dams--Australia, Droughts, Fish stocking, Fishes--Identification, Floods, Introduced species, Plants--Identification, Recreational fisher, Reptiles--Identification, Water quality, Water--Law and legislation, Weeds
Position: 75 (134 views)
Anabranch: Oral History of William Riley
Born in 1934, William talks about growing up in Wilcannia and Broken Hill in north-western New South Wales. He recalls being taught to fish by his Grandmother and Aunties using hand…
Tags: Aboriginal fish traps, Anabranch, Colonisation, Connection to country, Cotton, Droughts, Environmental flows, Fishes--Identification, Indigenous peoples, Introduced species, Overfishing, Paakantyi / Paakantji / Barkindji people, Plants--Identification, Racism, Traditional ecological knowledge, Traditional fishing, Water allocations, Water quality, Weirs
Position: 31 (192 views)
Coorong and Lower Lakes: Oral History of Sally Grundy and Dean Tugwell
Dean, born 1929, is from Victor Harbour, and lived through the 1956 flood. Married since 1960, Dean and Sally live at Mundoo Island near the mouth of the Murray River. Dean recalls…
Tags: Aboriginal culture, Coorong, Droughts, Fishes--Identification, Fishes--Migration, Fishing nets, Floods, Landholder, Marine ecosystems, Salinisation
Position: 51 (156 views)
Culgoa - Balonne: Oral History of Henry and Joan Cross
Henry and Joan Cross live at Goonaroo Station, an 11,000 acre sheep and cattle property. The property is located north of Hebel on the New South Wales and Queensland borders…
Tags: Blackwater, Culgoa-Balonne, Droughts, Fishes--Identification, Landholder, Livestock, Plants--Identification, Siltation, Water quality, Weeds, Weirs
Position: 98 (122 views)
Culgoa - Balonne: Oral History of Robert Lacey
Robert Lacey is an Indigenous man who has resided in the St George area in southern Queensland most his life. His people are the traditional owners of the land: his mother is a Mandandanji woman, while…
Tags: Aboriginal fish traps, Aboriginal history, Activism, Connection to country, Cotton, Culgoa-Balonne, Deforestation, Dreaming (Spiritual), Droughts, Erosion, Fishes--Identification, Indigenous peoples, Introduced species, Land custodianship, Mandandanji (Australian people), Native plants, Places of significance, Salinisation, Stream restoration, Waka Waka / Wakka Wakka people, Water allocations, Water conservation, Water pollution, Water quality
Position: 41 (180 views)
Darling River - Bourke to Brewarrina
Bourke was once the end of the line for most of the paddlesteamers that made…
Tags: Droughts, Introduced species, Muruwari / Murrawarri people, Ngiyambaa / Ngemba language, Rainfall frequencies, Upper Darling, Yuwaalaraay / Euahlayi / Yuwaaliyaay language
Position: 46 (168 views)