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  • Tags: Water conservation

Keith Coleman and Max Jeffrey, Brewarrina (NSW), 1 December 2010.
An interview in two parts with Keith Coleman and Max Jeffrey.

Keith grew up in Brewarrina and learned to fish with his father. He learned to swim in the river, and remembers how clear the water was - clear enough that people could go spearfishing.…

Position: 90 (123 views)

Jim Hanley, Don Collihole, Geoff Vernon and Keith Jones, Seymour (VIC), 26 October 2010.
Jim Hanley, Don Collihole, Geoff Vernon and Keith Jones are fishers in the local area of Seymour in Victoria. While Geoff is associated with the Seymour Anglers, the others also enjoy fishing and they have all been doing so for more than 20-30 years,…

Position: 58 (144 views)

Robert Lacey, St George (QLD), 8 October 2010.
An interview in two parts with Robert Lacey.

Robert Lacey is an Indigenous man who has resided in the St George area in southern Queensland most his life. His people are the traditional owners of the land: his mother is a Mandandanji woman, while…

Position: 40 (176 views)

An interview with Pat Cross.

Pat Cross and her husband, George, are the owners of the Mehi Station, a 16,000 acre property previously owned by George Hatfield. They have lived on the station since 1952 and in the interview Pat revisits her…

Position: 154 (93 views)