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  • Tags: Native Fish Strategy

On the Loddon River with the Kerang Crew, 2010
John Baulch: taught himself how to fish as a child with an Alvey sidecast fishing reel. He talks about flow rates; water levels; the European Carp supplanting the Redfin; the decline of Yellowbelly; selling fish to the local clubs; and the return of…

Position: 65 (141 views)

Feli McHughes in Brewarrina (NSW), 11 December 2010.
Feli McHughes is a Ngemba man from the Upper Darling region of Brewarrina. His passion about the Brewarrina Ngemba Billabong and the wider river system has seen him involved in a number of projects with numerous organisations. His visions for the…

Position: 13 (321 views)

An interview in four parts with Bryan Pratt.

Brian came to the Murrumbidgee in 1965. He talks about seasonal variations in the prevalence of fish, and their breeding and migration habits. He remarks on regional variations within species and…

Position: 116 (112 views)