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  • Tags: Spear fishing

"Narooma 2" by Dave - aka Emptybelly, on Flickr at
The interviewee has a wide background spanning food technology, captive animal management, education, and has worked with NSW Fisheries, looking after Black Cod in captivity. For the last thirty years he has scuba dived and snorkelled, spear fishing…

Position: 179 (78 views)

"Sunset in Batemans Bay" (CC-BY-NC) by orienterare, on Flickr at
The interviewee moved to the far south coast primarily for lifestyle reasons – ‘we just liked the kind of laid-back, small country town feel’. He grew up in Port Stephens, Newcastle and has lived in Canberra as well, so is familiar with the…

Position: 176 (79 views)