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  • Tags: Katarapko

Gil Stoneham, oral history interview, 2010
An interview in three parts with the Gil and Gladys Stoneham, Peter Teakle, John Aston, and Clarence John; professional fishers of the Murray River in the Renmark area. Gil is also a cut flower grower.

The group talk about: a wall structure built…

Position: 163 (93 views)

An interview in three parts with the Malcom Wilksch.

Born in 1935, Malcom is a professional fisherman. First taught to fish by his grandfather, he bought a professional licence in 1957.

Malcom talks about: soldier settlements around the time…

Position: 195 (81 views)

Head of 43 kg Murray Cod caught by Malcolm Wilksch in 1989
Images from the Wilksch family album of the Murray RIver, Murray Cod, and floodwaters circa 1975.

Position: 174 (88 views)