"Talking Fish" Radio documentary, Hindsight, ABC RN


"Talking Fish" Radio documentary, Hindsight, ABC RN


The 'Hindsight' program on ABC Radio National presents the radio documentary "Talking Fish" (produced by Hamish Sewell). Interviewees in this program include Interviewees in this program include: Uncle Roy and Aunty June Barker from Lightning Ridge (talking about the Barwon River); John Koehn from the Arthur Rylah Institute (Victoria) speaking of the Murray; Garry Hera Singh on the Coorong (SA); John Aston from Renmark (SA); Paul Wheeler and Colin Leigo from the Paroo (Qld); Tracy Bye in Loxton (SA),Tud Murphy and Dougie Macgregor from Cunnamulla (Qld), Brian Schulz in Murray Bridge (SA), Sam Bonner speaking of the Condamine River in Warwick (Qld), Bryan Pratt from Belconnen recalling the Upper Murrumbidgee.


Hamish Sewell


ABC Radio National


Lorena Allam (Presenter)
Andrei Shabunov (Sound Engineer)
Other contributors: Terry Korodaj, Native Fish Strategy Senior Program Coordinator with the Murray-Darling Basin Authority; Greg Ringwood and Zafer Sarac from Fisheries Queensland; Scott Nichols and Cameron Lay from NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries); Jodi Frawley and Heather Goodall from the University of Technology in Sydney; Phil Duncan (Ngnulu Consulting); Fern Hames, Pam Clunie and Steve Saddlier from Department of Sustainability and Environment Victoria; Virginia Simpson from Rural Solutions SA; Jonathan McPhail from Primary Industry and Resources (SA). and to Jason Higham from Department of Environment and Natural Resources (SA) and the kids from Riverview in Victoria.




Sunday 14 August 2011 2:00PM

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